Sunday, July 20, 2008

A massage can make a difference


Anyone who is tired, sick or feels anxiety and stress.  A healthy and caring touch like a massage can alleviate physical, emotional and psychological sore points.  A good massage can stimulate centers in the body to produce better circulation and balance.  Here are some benefits of a good massage:


·         Relaxes tight muscles

·         Promotes general circulation

·         Increases range of motion and flexibility of joints

·         Improves posture

·         Enhances the immune system

·         Promotes a well-nourished and healthy skin

·         Reduces anxiety and mental stress

·         Improves sleep and appetite

·         Increase the feeling of well-being and being loved.


Sometimes, there is nothing more valued than a gentle loving touch.


Source: Peace Center of the Theosophical Society in the Philippines

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