Friday, September 12, 2008


You have seen a friend who lost weight and now you want to diet too. How do you start?

  1. Read. Study books on the many diet alternatives around. Make sure you know what you are doing. The last thing you want to do is to go on a diet that will make you sick. Avoid quick-fix diets. Studies show that gradual weight loss of 3-5 pounds a month is best.
  1. Ask around. What works for others might work for you too, especially if you have similar cultural, religious and family backgrounds. The bad experience of others will also help you avoid their errors.
  1. Sort out myth from scientific fact. There is a lot of wrong information going around. Do your research. Listen to experts. Assume a critical and evaluative attitude towards all the diet recommendations you will be barraged with.
  1. Prepare your environment. Tell your family and friends that you will be dieting. Refuse to allow them to place you in situations where you will be forced to eat what you do not want. Get your family to diet with you.
  1. Learn to give unhealthy stuff away. Invite friends to eat your excess food. If someone gives you a cake as a gift, give it away to someone who can use it.
  1. Keep a meal diary. Be aware of what you eat. Write down in a diary everything you eat and analyze your meals as to food group, amount and time of meal. You might find out that you binge or that a lot of your snacks can be replaced by better food choice.
  1. Avoid mindless munching. Eating with a group or eating in front of the TV leads to mindless munching. If you are the lone dieter in the house, prepare your meal in a tray and eat ahead of others or alone. But explain your plan to others so they do not get offended and remain supportive. Watch movies and TV without junk food.
  1. Follow the food pyramid rule. Eat more at breakfast, less at lunch and least a dinner. Unless you work at night, chances are you will be sedentary at night and will use up fewer calories. Eat less at night.
  1. Do not miss your main meals. Skipping a meal leads to binging and eating excessive portions during the next meal because of hunger.
  1. Exercise. Diet alone rarely works. Weight loss happens when we burn more than what we take in. Exercise to burn calories. It will also enhance your immune system, firm up muscles and make you feel good about yourself.

Do not go on a diet to look good. This is part of the vanity trap most dieters fall into. Aim only to be healthy. A healthy you will assure that you will be productive and fit to be of service to others.


My existence does not depend on the fact that I am thinking;
It depends on the fact that, whether I know it or not, I am being thought –
Being thought by a mind much greater than consciousness which I ordinarily
Identify with myself.


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