Wednesday, October 22, 2008


1. Relax. Clear your mind of all other thoughts and find a place where you are least likely to be disturbed.

2. Visualize the outcome, what does it feel, what will its surrounding sound like, what will your body be doing.

3. Imagine that you are you, rather than a third party watching you.

4. Vividly imagine each step that you need to do in the way to your goal. Imagining only the outcome will decrease chances of success.

5. Believe that your goal is attainable. Affirm that you can do it.

6. Practice visualization constantly.

“Who you think you are is not what you are.
YOU are this limitless, vast, radiant consciousness."


1 comment:

Ms Ella said...

hi mel..Got it! I've read ur "Visualize For Success" and i thought u r not intrsted in writing a blog.

Wow! i guess ds s a complete food for thoughts about what Success really is, what do u think?.;-)

Kombanwa tomodachi..God Bless u.